php засичане енкодинг на текст

function detect_encoding($string)
return strtolower(mb_detect_encoding("$string",'utf-8,windows-1251'));
}//End of detect_encoding($string)

$string="мартин петров";#stringa e windows1251;
echo detect_encoding($string);
//Shte wyrne windows-1251, ako stringa e utf-8 shte wyrne utf-8


function cp1251_to_utf8($s)
if ( mb_check_encoding("$s","cp1251") == 1){return iconv("cp1251","utf8",$s);}else { return $s; };
function utf8_to_cp1251($s)
if ( mb_check_encoding("$s","utf-8") == 1){return iconv("utf8","cp1251",$s);}else{return $s;}
}//End of utf8_to_cp1251($s)

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